Track The Movement FALL 2020

Community Living Ontario is excited to roll out its Ontario Youth United project this fall. CLO has partnered with Joel Hilchey and the Beanstalk Project and Heritage Canada to provide a variety of opportunities for youth to lead conversations and spark activities in their communities this year. Together we can continue to spark momentum that can create and celebrate opportunities to build community where youth live, learn, and work.


To enhance the capacity of young people with and without an intellectual disability to actively engage as citizens in their communities. Young people in Ontario will be sparking a national conversation on Canadian identity and showcasing the ways that youth are contributing to Canadian cultures and ways of life.


Youth from diverse communities will turn their ground-breaking ideas into action through partnerships and outreach initiatives. Youth-led projects will be designed to reflect the creativity of young Canadians and showcase their vision for Canada. Youth will determine the trends that impact their lives and identify solutions to change current dialogue about disabilities.


Are you a young leader ready to take charge of your ideas? Do you want to network and learn from other young people like you? Are you just looking for the opportunity to get started?

The Ontario Youth United project has several interactive workshops that are youth led to offer you. Adult allies we will be hosting a workshop just for you later this fall! You will hear from young change makers about how to engage youth and learn about some tools and strategies for supporting youth leadership.

Stay tuned as we release more information on our online master class. It will be a stimulating three-day event hosted by Re:Action4Inclusion’s provincial youth advisors. We will be bringing exciting speakers, interactive discussions and we will challenge your community to start talking about what matters to youth!

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