Community Living Ontario’s Youth Advisory Committee organised a workshop, “Initiate Inclusion by Invitation,” that focused specifically on the qualities and traits of effective leadership. The purpose of the workshop was for youth, with and without a disability, to explore their inner leadership qualities and how they can help them excel in their future endeavours. The workshop included a dynamic session with Andy Thibodeau, a leadership expert, and activities led by the Youth Advisory Committee to appreciate effective leadership.
The committee along with Andy led interactive activities to highlight leadership as an important skill for youth in middle and high school to acquire. The youth advisors also shared their personal experiences to highlight to participants their strongest leadership traits and how they utilise them to make a difference in their communities. The workshop also discussed how youth can continue to hone their leadership style through college and their careers, and benefit from gaining an early understanding of what makes a great leader.
Want to get involved in participating and organising youth-led workshops? The collective voice of the Re:Action4Inclusion movement, led by the Youth Advisory Committee, is creating momentum for long-lasting change in communities across Ontario! If you are keen to join the movement, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.