A pivotal element missing during the global pandemic crisis is human connection. Not only are we missing spending time with our friends and family, but we are also missing out on chances to meet new friends. We are not able to connect with other youth with schools closed, sports cancelled, and also hangouts prohibited during this crisis.

Community Living Ontario launched ‘The Pen Pal Project’, a change project of the Ontario Youth United Campaign to build meaningful connections and stronger youth communities. The Pen Pal Project is a youth-led initiative that invites you to join a network of young Canadians who want to reignite a passion for human connection through letter writing. They encourage taking a break from technology and finding new ways to meet new people, stay connected and build each other up during these hard times. 

The project is on the journey to create a massive pen pal community where youth can write to other youth! Their goal is to get 50 youth from their area and 50 youth from the rest of Ontario or Canada to write a letter and send it to their P.O. box in St.Marys. The student leads recognize that times are challenging and are going the extra mile to help one another. On 20 May, The Pen Pal Project organized a webinar that supported youth to share their stories and meet their pen pals! During the virtual event, the youth had a chance to meet other youth like you who care about making Canada a more connected and inclusive country.

YOU can get involved! You can write about anything you want and send your letters to: P.O. Box 1618, St. Marys, ON, N4X 1B9

The Pen Pal Project team is continuing their leadership to create a sense of belonging and making meaningful connections!

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