F.J. Brennan Community Garden Student Lead Nick Harris “In an ever changing and complex world we have constructed a society that revolves around one simple concept: time. At birth we are all given a certain amount, but it is up to the individual to decide in...
Include2improve Schools Involved SRATFORD CENTRAL SECONDARY SCOOL ST. MARYS DVCI STRATFORD NORTHWESTERN SECONARY SCHOOL MEDWAY SECONDARY SCHOOL Check Us Out! Our Community Partners who we are Include2Improve is a group of youth who are looking to...
Fusion4Inclusion Schools Involved Holy Trinity Catholic High School Check Us Out! Waterford Secondary School Check Us Out! Cayuga Secondary School Check Us Out! Our Community Partners Impact “Our overall goal for this project is to shift and change the...
The Change Project @MSS Student Lead Cheryl Cheung “I enjoy hearing others share their stories and ideas at the events within my community (such as the Santa Claus Parade), and I am sure that there are many others who feel the same way. Everyone, regardless of...