People First Canada-A National Movement of Self-Advocates

People First of Canada is the national organization representing people with intellectual disabilities. People First of Canada is the national voice for people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability. We are about rights – human rights, citizenship...

People First Ontario Website-A Provincial Movement of Self-Advocates

People First of Ontario is the provincial organization representing people with intellectual disabilities. People First of Ontario is the provincial voice for people who have been labeled with an intellectual disability. We are about rights – human rights, citizenship...

Autobiographies written by Self-Advocates

Rachel’s Story $15 plus shipping. To purchase please email Amanda Fenlong Kathy Senneker tells the story of her daughter Rachel’s short but valuable life. It is about one mother’s journey of self-discovery. Kathy herself acknowledges that it was a...

Perceptions of Disability and Finding Work

For five tough years I worked tirelessly toward graduating with honours from Canada’s third-largest university. I had dreams of starting a successful career in communications. I looked forward to being given the opportunity to shine. I was ready to show the...

Finding Dory Teaches the Importance of Perception

Growing up, I would see the look. My mother taught special ed for many years, and when I accompanied her students on field trips, I was sensitive to how adults in the world would react facially, and then vocally, when encountering her pupils and realizing they had...

Little Girl at the Playground

I saw you with your frizzy red pigtails, freckled face and your soaking wet yellow dress.  I saw you watching my daughter.  I saw you sitting near her, not too close, but close enough to watch her expression as she concentrated on watching the buckets fill with water...

The City of Kingston Raises Awareness Around the R-word

Many people around the world, including people right here in Kingston, have pledged to stop using the words “retard” or “retarded”.  Station 14 Kingston’s producer Jamie Patterson interviews a group of people who have personally been hurt...

Learning for All

Learning for All, Kindergarten to Grade 121 is a resource guide outlining an integrated process of assessment and instruction for elementary and secondary school educators across Ontario that is designed to help raise the bar and close the gap in achievement for all...

Teaching Tools Ministry of Education Ontario

Ministry of Education Website on Special Education Students who have behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities, may require special education programs and /or services to benefit fully from their school experience. Special...