The Change Project @MSS


Student Lead Cheryl Cheung

“I enjoy hearing others share their stories and ideas at the events within my community (such as the Santa Claus Parade), and I am sure that there are many others who feel the same way. Everyone, regardless of their backgrounds or characteristics, deserve equal rights and opportunities to share their story!”

Schools Involved:

Markville Secondary School


 “We believe that change only occurs when individuals are made aware of the problem. Nothing can really be done unless the public is properly informed. Thus we have formulated a succession of events that will creatively make the public of our school and community aware of the lack of inclusion for youth with intellectual disabilities.”


The first event will be an awareness campaign. We have planned a series of  information booths with activities to gain interest from our peers and to spread the word about the work we are doing. This will introduce the project, and highlight that disabilities don’t define you. We want our message of empowerment to be clear and well known in our school. 

Our second event will expose our school to the lived experience of our peers. We will invite a couple of guest speakers to our school to talk to students about the barriers they have faced or are currently facing. These will be open sessions for anyone to attend in the Library during their lunch periods.

Our last event will surely stay as a reminder of our goal within the school even after the project is over. We plan to add an inclusion and empowerment bench to our school. We plan to have a station set up during lunch periods where students can come by and add what inclusion means to them onto the bench with some paint. Once covered with pictures and words, illustrating inclusion, the bench will stay at our school as a constant reminder of the importance of inclusion.


Youth voices inform change


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